Chapter 17 Agreement of Subject and Verb

Chapter 17: Agreement of Subject and Verb

As a writer or a copy editor, it’s crucial to ensure that subject-verb agreement is achieved in your writing. In chapter 17 of most grammar books, this is discussed in detail – the agreement between a singular subject and a singular verb, and a plural subject and a plural verb.

The basic rule of subject-verb agreement is quite simple and straightforward: singular subjects take singular verbs while plural subjects take plural verbs. However, there are a few exceptions that can cause confusion.

One of the tricky aspects of agreement between subject and verb is when one or more subjects are joined by the coordinating conjunctions “and” or “or.” When two or more subjects are joined by “and,” they form a plural subject and require a plural verb. For example, “James and John are going to the park.”

On the other hand, when the coordinating conjunction “or” is used to join two or more subjects, the verb agrees with the subject closest to it. For example, “Either James or John is going to the park.”

Another issue that arises is when you are dealing with indefinite pronouns. Indefinite pronouns, such as “everyone,” “someone,” “anyone,” and “no one,” are precisely what they sound like – pronouns that do not refer to a specific person or thing. These pronouns are considered singular, and therefore, require a singular verb.

For example, “Everybody loves ice cream” – “everybody” is singular, and “loves” is a singular verb.

Other indefinite pronouns, such as “many,” “some,” and “few,” can be singular or plural, depending on whether they refer to a countable or uncountable noun.

For instance, “Many people are coming to the party” – “people” is a plural noun, and “are” is the correct plural verb.

To summarize, to ensure subject-verb agreement, you need to keep things simple and straight forward. Always make sure that the verb matches the subject’s number. If the subject is singular, use a singular verb, and if it’s plural, use a plural verb.

Understanding the rules of subject-verb agreement and applying them correctly is essential to effectively communicate your message. As a copy editor, it’s vital to ensure that subject-verb agreement is achieved in your writing to enhance your piece`s readability and effectiveness.