Practice Questions for Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is an important concept in the English language. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. When the subject and the verb agree, the sentence is technically correct and easier to read. However, many people struggle with this concept and find it hard to remember the rules. The good news is that with proper practice questions, one can gain mastery in subject-verb agreement.

Here are some practice questions for subject-verb agreement:

1. Every student in the class (study, studies) hard for their exams.

The correct answer is “studies”. The subject “every student” is singular, and so the verb should also be singular.

2. The committee (is, are) meeting today to discuss the new proposal.

The correct answer is “is”. Even though the word “committee” refers to a group of people, it is treated as a singular noun, and thus the verb should be singular.

3. The athletes, along with their coach, (is, are) preparing for the upcoming tournament.

The correct answer is “are”. The subject is plural since it refers to both the athletes and the coach. Therefore, the verb should be plural as well.

4. Neither the teacher nor the students (is, are) responsible for the disruption in the classroom.

The correct answer is “are”. In this sentence, there are two subjects, “the teacher” and “the students”. Even though they are connected by “nor”, which is a negative, they still form a plural subject. Therefore, the verb should be plural as well.

5. My collection of books (is, are) on the top shelf.

The correct answer is “is”. Even though the word “books” is plural, it is not the main subject of the sentence. The subject is “collection”, which is a singular noun, and thus the verb should be singular.

By practicing these types of questions, one can develop a better understanding of subject-verb agreement. This knowledge can be applied to your writing, making it more professional and easy to understand. Remember, it`s important to pay attention to the subject and verb agreement, as it can affect the meaning of your sentence. With enough practice and attention to detail, you can become proficient in subject-verb agreement!