Red Deer Public Schools Collective Agreement

Red Deer Public Schools Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Red Deer Public School District has been in the news recently due to the ongoing negotiations surrounding the collective agreement between the school board and the Red Deer Teachers` Local No. 60. This agreement is crucial as it outlines the terms and conditions of employment for all teachers within the district, including salaries, benefits, and working conditions. As a parent, student, or interested party, it is important to understand the details of this agreement and its implications for the education system in the Red Deer area.

The collective agreement negotiations have been ongoing since the previous agreement expired on August 31, 2018. Both parties have been working to come to a mutually beneficial agreement, but some contentious issues have made negotiations difficult. One of the major issues being discussed is the length of the workday for teachers. The school board has suggested that teachers work an additional 20 minutes per day, which would increase their workload without a corresponding increase in pay. The union has argued that this request is unreasonable, and that teachers are already stretched thin as it is.

Another issue on the table is the topic of salary increases. The union is asking for a 2% increase in wages each year for the next three years, which would help offset the rising cost of living. However, the school board has proposed a 0% wage increase for the first year, followed by a 1% increase in each of the next two years. The union has expressed concern that this offer does not reflect the hard work and dedication of teachers, and that it will make it difficult to attract and retain top talent in the district.

The collective agreement also covers working conditions for teachers, such as workload, job security, and the process for addressing grievances. These issues are often the most contentious in collective bargaining negotiations, as they can have a significant impact on the day-to-day lives of teachers. The union has pushed for more job security for temporary and part-time teachers, as well as protections for teachers who need to take time off for illness or family emergencies.

Overall, the Red Deer Public Schools collective agreement negotiations are an important issue for everyone in the community. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the education of our children, and their working conditions have a direct impact on the quality of that education. As negotiations continue, it is important for both parties to remember that they are working towards a common goal: the best possible education for our students. By working together and finding common ground, they can come to an agreement that ensures a bright future for the Red Deer community.